Read blog posts about practical learning strategies that can be implemented to help your child and their learning.
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Reflecting on My Year Thus Far: Learning and Community
As the Gregorian calendar year comes to an end, I find myself using this time to do a mid -year reflection on where I am in my path of life. As a person of Persian descent- and one who has recently developed a love for extended long walks with my golden retriever- I...
Human Connections: Beyond Classroom Management
Every year, students step into the classroom, brimming with excitement to reconnect with friends and explore their new learning space. This joy and energy are crucial in creating a strong classroom community—a foundation that is essential for a successful learning...
Self Concept and Academic Performance
With the new school year upon us our children will be resuming their learning journeys with excitement and joy, ready to take on challenges that will facilitate their growth. Unfortunately, for many of our students, this learning journey has become a source of...
What does Motherhood have in Common with Service?
I have been thinking a lot about my role as a woman, as a wife, and most importantly, as a mother. Oftentimes I wonder if I am placing an unreasonable amount of pressure on myself to ensure that everything I do and say is perfect or just right. Then I begin to think...
What have we learned from the pandemic with regards to our children and their learning needs?
One thing is for sure, that our children do not need more tests, more assignments and certainly not more homework. I know this sounds crazy. You are probably thinking, Wait, I need to give them more work to keep them busy! But with the current wave of panic flooding...
Intergenerational Connections
Research has shown that children need about 4-6 involved, caring adults in their lives to fully develop emotionally and socially. What better way to address this need than to reach out to our elderly community for that intergenerational connection? These weekly...